PowerQ had provided testing and commissioning services for an air-cooled Sports Complex where the client was concerned that any leak from internal insulation to concrete wall will result in energy loss. PowerQ was engaged to conduct thermal imaging on 8 units of tanks with height of more than 8m. Client had commissioned PowerQ to carry out external thermal imaging by identifying any temperature gradient on concrete surface indicating leak.
PowerQ had conducted baseline thermograph measurement of the Thermal Storage tanks and identification of any temperature anomaly on concrete tank using an industrial-grade thermal imaging camera. A thermal image of a tank that’s completely empty or completely full, or which has a shiny reflective skin will appear uniform and no product level will be apparent. Otherwise, the product level will appear as an evident thermal separation between the headspace and chilled water.
Thermography results reveals the interface between the liquid and the gas (usually air) in a tank, indicating its full capacity and whether break in thermal insulation were found and identified subsequently for further rectification.
Additionally, PowerQ performed calculations for every pump head, and conducted pump performance test for charging pumps to determine adequacy of head.